Museum Connections 2024


Wenchu LI

Luoyang Museum



Li Wenchu, male, a Hui nationality, was born in March 1979 in Luoyang, Henan Province. He is a member of China Association for Promoting Democracy,a deputy to the 14th People’s Congress of Henan Province, and a member of the 13th CPPCC of Luoyang. In 2002, he graduated from the department of ethnology in Minzu University of China with a bachelor’s degree in history. From December 2003 to September 2019, he worked in Luoyang Cultural Relics Bureau and successively served as the deputy director of office and the chief of the Museum section. In November 2019, he served as the vice chairman (full-time) of the Association for Promoting Democracy in Luoyang, and he has served as the curator of Luoyang Museum since June 2020. During his work in Luoyang Cultural Relics Bureau, Li Wenchu participated in activities related to cultural relics, such as the National Historical Sites Luoyang Summit Forum, the application of Silk Road and Grand Canal for the World Heritage Site, the first national movable cultural relics survey in Luoyang, International Ancient Capitals Forum. He also dedicated to the construction of local museums, such as the construction of the relocated Luoyang Museum, Erlitou Site Museum of the Xia Capital, Sui-Tang Dynasties Grand Canal Cultural Museum, local topic museums, non-state-owned museums as well as county-level museums in Luoyang. He devotes himself to promote the construction of the capital of Luoyang Oriental Museum. Since June 2020, as the curator of Luoyang Museum, he has continuously fueled the high-quality development of Luoyang museum, offered quality services and expanded types of service. He participated in various exhibitions and cultural activities, such as the joint exhibition of Longmen Grottoes, Dunhuang Grottoes and Yungang Grottoes, the joint exhibition of cultural relics in Luoyang metropolitan circle, the Hanfu show (traditional Chinese costume), and several night lectures held in Luoyang Museum. Meanwhile, he advanced the building of digital museum and utilized extensive modern technology to display cultural relics in an innovative way, such as the opening of “Light of Heluo Culture” digital museum. He believes digital technology not only makes cultural relics “come alive” , but also enriches a variety of interactive experiences, immersing audiences in the splendid ancient culture. Digital method serves as an excellent platform to show the brilliant and unique charm of Luoyang as the capital for thirteen dynasties, a medium of carrying forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture and a stronger support of boosting confidence in Chinese culture.


Retrouvez moi aux événements suivants :
Jan 17, 2024
12:00 PM - 12:45 PM

Les musées en Chine : situation actuelle et perspectives pour la coopération internationale

Wenchu LI (Luoyang Museum)Gang LI (Emperor Qinshihuang's Mausoleum Site Museum)Xiaolin MA (Henan Museum)Zhiqiang WANG (Palace Museum of the Manchurian Regime)Jing ZHENG (China Grand Canal Museum)
Centre Pompidou et British Museum à Shanghai, Rencontres d'Arles à Xiamen, Musée Rodin à Shenzhen... On assiste depuis quelques années à une vague de projets à long terme ou plus éphémères de grandes marques culturelles occidentales pour s'implanter en Chine. A l'heure où la Chine connaît une augmentation soutenue du nombre de musées sur son territoire, où en sommes-nous aujourd'hui et quelles sont les opportunités en termes d'ingénierie et de coopération culturelle ? Quelles sont les attentes des professionnels chinois à l'égard des professionnels occidentaux des musées et du patrimoine aujourd'hui ? Comment évoluent les pratiques culturelles et quelles sont les attentes des publics chinois ? Plus généralement, quels sont les grands enjeux qui secouent le monde culturel chinois aujourd'hui : entre transition écologique, développement économique, innovation numérique ? 5 exemples : 1. MA Xiaolin, Directeur du Henan Museum: La pratique chinoise dans la nouvelle définition du musée. 2. LI Gang, Directeur de Emperor Qinshihuang's Mausoleum Site Museum: Panorama du développement des musées de sites archéologiques et les derniers résultats de recherche sur la protection des reliques culturelles. 3. WANG Zhiqiang, Directeur de Palace Museum of the Manchurian Regime: Inter-applications technologiques et innovantes dans les musées chinois. 4. ZHENG Jing, Directrice de China Grand Canal Museum: Aperçu de l'éducation sociale dans les musées chinois. 5. LI Wenchu, Directeur de Luoyang Museum: Réalisations en matière d'application technologique dans les musées chinois