Museum Connections 2024

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Jan 16Jan 17
40 sessions
Jan 16, 2024
10:00 AM - 10:50 AM
Inspiration Room

AI & museums: towards a new visitor experience?

Sam BOMPAS (BOMPAS & PARR / MUSEUM OF SHAKESPEARE, Co-Founder of Bompas & Parr and Exec Creative Director of Museum of Shakespeare)Karen DROST (Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision, Manager Museum)Laurent GAVEAU (INDÉPENDANT, Consultant Culture & Tech, Fondateur du Google Arts and Culture Lab)
Digital technology and interactivity as a means of spreading knowledge seem to have reached a tipping point with AI and the ultra-personalisation of online cultural experience. But what about AI as part of the physical museum visit, and, for example, the use of controversial technologies such as facial recognition? The Sound & Vision Museum in the Netherlands, the ""first museum in the world that constantly adapts to visitors' actions"", has done it, and the team in charge of the new Museum of Shakespeare (due to open in London in 2025) is in the process of developing it. Could this be the beginning of an innovation that could spread throughout the museum world? We will, however, address the thorny issue of personal data protection.
Jan 16, 2024
10:00 AM - 10:20 AM
Innovation TV

Innovation Duos 2024 - Jury's favorite

Alexandra DERVEAUX (MINISTÈRE DES ARMÉES, Cheffe du pôle "Tourisme de mémoire" Bureau de la politique des lieux de mémoire Sous-direction de la mémoire combattante - Direction de la mémoire, de la culture et des archives)Elisa GRAVIL (MUSEOVATION, Fondatrice)Julia LUCZAK-ROUGEAUX (TOM.TRAVEL, Rédactrice en chef)Ewa MACZEK (OCIM - OFFICE DE COOPÉRATION ET D’INFORMATION MUSÉALES, Directrice Adjointe)Nathalie PICHARD (CONCILIO, Présidente)Antoine ROLAND ({CORRESPONDANCES DIGITALES], Fondateur - Conseil et événementiel en innovation)
Introduction of the INNOVATION DUOS 2024 and presentation of the Jury’s favorites
Jan 16, 2024
10:20 AM - 10:40 AM
Innovation TV

"MuseumXperience" Bridging heritage and interactive learning with the help of a Magic Wall

Steven BACK (THE MAGIC WALL, CEO)Peter GRANASZTOI (MUSEUM OF ETHNOGRAPHY, Deputy Director-General for Collections)
SELECTION INNOVATION DUOS 2024 Welcome to a new era of cultural discovery thanks to the innovative partnership between the Musée d'Ethnographie and Back&Rosta. This groundbreaking project harnesses Magic Wall technology to radically transform the museum experience, fusing ethnographic heritage with modern interactive elements. The Magic Wall offers an immersive interface that transcends traditional exhibition boundaries. The partnership with Back&Rosta aims to create an inclusive and engaging museum experience. Thanks to the Magic Wall's technology, visitors can immerse themselves in rich cultural narratives, discover often overlooked details and actively participate in the telling of ethnographic history. It's a real encounter between the past and contemporary technology. This project redefines the way we interact with our cultural heritage. By marrying the authenticity of ethnographic objects with technological innovation, the Musée d'Ethnographie and Back&Rosta are creating a space where discovery becomes an interactive adventure, between tradition and modernity.
Jan 16, 2024
10:40 AM - 11:00 AM
Innovation TV

Measure the attendance of venues to optimize the visitor experience during major international events

Emmanuelle GALIANA (Atout France, Chargée de mission)Gautier HAUSER (Affluences, Directeur Commercial)
SELECTION INNOVATION DUOS 2024 Discover the Affluences JOP2024 project, an ambitious initiative that aims to measure and communicate in real time the affluence of cultural and tourist sites during the 2024 Olympic Games. This innovative project represents a major breakthrough in crowd management, offering a smoother, more secure experience for visitors during this world-class event. Affluences JOP24 uses cutting-edge technologies to collect and analyze crowd data in real time, enabling visitors to plan their journeys efficiently and avoid peak crowds. Moreover, by avoiding crowds and queues, visitors are more inclined to explore local alternatives, offering smaller establishments increased visibility. The main objective is to manage visitor flows, ensuring the comfort and satisfaction of participants and tourists alike. By enabling users to make informed decisions about their journeys, they contribute to the creation of a dynamic and pleasant atmosphere throughout the 2024 Olympic Games.
Jan 16, 2024
11:00 AM - 11:20 AM
Innovation TV

“MUCEM+” First dematerialized and contract-free monthly subscription

Julien COUSI (OPENMUSÉE / GUIDAP, CEO)Victor JACQUES (MUCEM, Responsable relations extérieures)
SELECTION INNOVATION DUOS 2024 The MUCEM and OPENMUSÉE teams have developed the MUCEM+ application, the first mobile subscription in a museum, entirely digital, unlimited, tacitly renewable and with monthly direct debit. Indeed, since the Covid crisis, interest in annual access cards to cultural venues has decreased. Consumers are avoiding long-term commitments and current cultural offerings no longer meet their needs. They prefer a smooth and simple experience, similar to the one offered by companies like Netflix and Spotify who offer a simple and personalized experience through data collection, thus retaining their users.
Jan 16, 2024
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Tours @ Museum Connections

🇫🇷 TOUR: Immersion differently

Between digital and low tech, discover the diversity of technological and narrative formats at work in cultural, heritage and tourist places. Visit in French By registration only – 15 participants per session
Jan 16, 2024
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Inspiration Room

Climate empowerment & exhibitions: innovative audience engagement

Celia BACHMANN (STAPFERHAUS , Education and Inclusion)Josephine CHANTER (DESIGN MUSEUM LONDON, Director of Audiences)Ronan DE LA CROIX (CHANGENOW, Consultant & curator)Sebastian MALL (REFLEKT / MUSEUM FÜR KOMMUNIKATION FRANKFURT & BERLIN, Co- Curator, Transformation Agent )
Exhibitions dealing with the climate and environmental crises have become widespread in cultural and scientific venues, with the aim not only of spreading knowledge, but also of providing the keys to taking action. An increasing number of venues have set themselves the goal of helping to fight eco-anxiety and promoting climate empowerment. In this context, what are the new paradigms in audience engagement? On the one hand, there are exhibitions that base their approach on prior opinion polls on the climate and environmental crises; on the other, there are projects that incorporate the opinions and feelings of audiences into the exhibition itineraries themselves; and there are exhibitions that are born out of dialogue with their audiences, with participatory programming that supports climate mobilisation in very concrete ways. These are just some of the innovative and very relevant ways in which cultural venues can embody their responsibility in relation to these issues.
Jan 16, 2024
11:20 AM - 11:40 AM
Innovation TV

“LENSE, Vesontio révélée” 3D digitization (digital twin) for the conservation and valorization

Gaëlle CAVALLI (Ville de Besançon-Direction Citadelle, Responsable valorisation monument)Hugo PARENT (HÉRITAGE VIRTUEL, Chef du Département Monuments Historiques et Médiation )
SELECTION INNOVATION DUOS 2024 "LENSE, Vesontio révélée", at the forefront of innovation, is undertaking an ambitious 3D digitization project of the Besançon Citadelle , a 12-hectare historic site. This revolutionary initiative aims to preserve, visualize and enhance this exceptional heritage in an unprecedented way. Thanks to 3D scanning, every nook and cranny of the Citadelle is immortalized with remarkable precision. This technology enables digital conservation, preserving the integrity of the site for future generations, as well as visualization of the site in situ or remotely. Visitors will be able to explore areas that are off-limits to the public, such as tunnels and cellars. This project creates an educational tool for projection and understanding for all ages. It redefines the way we interact with our cultural heritage, pushing back the boundaries of preservation. This digital twin is intended as an aid to restoration, landscaping, green spaces, technical services and architects, as well as to the work of firefighters in accessing these complex sites.
Jan 16, 2024
11:40 AM - 12:00 PM
Innovation TV

“CURIEUX DÉTOURS” Promote heritage with guided and independent sensory walks

Marjolaine PARIZE (LE RIZE, Chargée de missions)Elodie PARMENTIER (Nuits Noires , Présidente associée )
SELECTION INNOVATION DUOS 2024 The RIZE and NUITS NOIRES teams are working in collaboration on a project to promote Villeurbanne heritage entitled “CURIEUX DÉTOURS”. A new sensory mediation that allows you to explore the stories of Villeurbanne, guided by colored lines in the city, a cell phone and headphones. Between slices of life, archives and brief summaries, the possibility is given to discover, according to each person's rhythm, the districts of Flachet, Gratte-ciel, Tolstoï, Tonkin, la Doua... each year, new routes will be designed to marvel and learn more about this rich territory.
Jan 16, 2024
12:00 PM - 12:20 PM
Innovation TV

“AUDIO ROOM�� Educational application to produce podcasts and sound creation by the visitors

Lucie AERTS (MUSÉE NATIONAL DE LA MARINE, Cheffe du service médiation)Hélène PERRET (UNENDLICHE STUDIO, Director)
SELECTION INNOVATION DUOS 2024 Audio Room is a tablet application designed by Unendliche Studio that brings together all the audio production tools, from recording to mixing. It allows users to record and create podcasts flexibly, anytime and anywhere. Already adapted to uninitiated audiences and in particular young audiences, Audio Room was released, in 2023, in a new, more accessible version, dedicated to the musée national de la Marine and its audiences, as part of a collaboration with the Mediation service.
Jan 16, 2024
12:15 PM - 1:05 PM
Inspiration Room

Innovating to promote 20th century memorial heritage

Mathilde BERNARDET (MINISTÈRE DES ARMÉES, Direction de la mémoire, de la culture et des archives, Chargée d'études Tourisme de mémoire)Pascal Louis CAILLAUT (COMMONWEALTH WAR GRAVES COMMISSION FRANCE, Head of Marketing and Communications France Area)Bettina LOPPE (SPUR.LAB - BRANDENBURGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT FÜR KULTUR UND GESCHICHTE, Project management)Nicolas SERPETTE (MÉMORIAL DU CAMP DE RIVESALTES, Responsable de la Communication)
In the wake of the Centenary of World War I, new approaches to memorial heritage have emerged, with the structuring of remembrance tourism and the beginning of the digitization of memorial heritage. Today, in the context of the 80th anniversary of the Allied landings in Normandy on the one hand, and facing the urgent need to respond to the disappearance of the last witnesses of the Second World War atrocities on the other, new large-scale initiatives are emerging to preserve and promote shared memory. While memorials and museums dedicated to the memory of the European conflicts of the 20th century are crucial for transmission to younger generations as well as for the identity and even the attractiveness of an area, we will explore innovation in that field, in terms of digital technology, mediation, territorial structuring and ecological transition.
Jan 16, 2024
12:20 PM - 12:40 PM
Innovation TV

“DIGITAL MEMORIES” Creating a link between the artistic past and the digital future, thanks to blockchain

SELECTION INNOVATION DUOS 2024 Explore the future of cultural souvenirs at the Musée d'Orsay, in collaboration with the company KERU, where art meets technology to create a unique and lasting experience. This digital souvenir project revolutionizes the way you interact with art by offering two unique experiences secured by the Tezos blockchain. Immerse yourself in the world of artistic creation with Vincent Van Gogh's palette in 3D and augmented reality. Thanks to cutting-edge technology, you can explore the artist's palette, observing every nuance, every texture, as if you were immersed in the artist's studio. The second digital souvenir transports you into a digital artistic dimension with an exclusive work of art. Rediscover the Musée d'Orsay's iconic Van Gogh painting from a captivating new digital perspective, secured by the Tezos blockchain, ensuring unalterable ownership and authenticity. This Musée d'Orsay digital keepsake project redefines the connection between the artistic past and the digital future in an innovative way, being one of the first to offer this service.
Jan 16, 2024
2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Inspiration Room

Sensory mediation: for an emotional experience of museums and heritage sites

Lucie AERTS (MUSÉE NATIONAL DE LA MARINE, Cheffe du service médiation)Kathleen BOUQUET (MUSÉE DE LA CONSERVERIE DE LOCTUDY, Adjointe de direction en charge de la médiation, de la communication et de la boutique )Isabelle BURKHALTER (MAH - MUSÉE D'ART ET D'HISTOIRE DE GENÈVE, Responsable de la médiation culturelle)Anne-Sophie GRASSIN (MAC VAL - MUSÉE D'ART CONTEMPORAIN DU VAL-DE-MARNE, Responsable du service des publics du MAC VAL, Coordinatrice du GIS Médiation sensible - ICOM CECA, Membre élue au Conseil d'administration d'ICOM France)Anne-Sophie MARCHAL (CHÂTEAU DE CHILLON, LA LUCARNE, Responsable de la médiation culturelle du Château de Chillon et Co-directrice de La Lucarne)Charlotte SLARK (THE SENSATIONAL MUSEUM / UNIVERSITY OF WESTMINSTER, Research Fellow)
In parallel with the increase of analogue and digital mediation tools, we have seen a return to the senses and emotions as key aspects of cultural experience. Venues are putting the visitor's body back at the centre of the relationship with cultural objects and at the heart of soothing or stimulating sensory devices. In this conference, we will be looking at the distinctions between "sensory", "sensational", "multisensory", and at the different ways in which accessible and inclusive cultural experiences are now being offered to all kinds of audiences. We will explore projects that incorporate the senses and emotions from an early stage, and at the reasons why venues implement them, as well as their impact.
Jan 16, 2024
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Innovation TV

Touring Exhibitions - latest trends and new experiences (session 1)

Valentine BALDACCHINO (CAP SCIENCES, Responsable des expositions itinérantes)Catherine BENOIT (MUSÉE DE LA CIVILISATION, Responsable du rayonnement des expositions en tournée / Touring Exhibitions Outreach Officer)Agnes BERTOCCI-RUIZ (AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, Director - Global Business Development)Henna BHATTI (SCIENCE MUSEUM GROUP)Manon DELAURY (TEO - TOURING EXHIBITIONS ORGANISATION, CEO and Founder)Laurent DONDEY (GRAND PALAIS IMMERSIF, Chargé de mission)Anik DORION-COUPAL (MUSÉE DE LA CIVILISATION, Responsable des partenariats et relations internationales)Roberto LUCIANI (MEDARTEC DISTRIBUTION SRLS, Multimedia and the metamorphosis of the language of art)JOLE MARTINENGHI (CONTEMPORANEA PROGETTI, International Culture Partnerships Manager)Annabelle MAUGER (lililillilil , Réalisatrice / Co-gérante )Natalia OSTROWSKA (NATIONAL MUSEUMS SCOTLAND, Touring Exhibitions Manager)Tim PETHICK (NOMAD EXHIBITION, CEO)Raphaël REMICHE (TEMPORA SA, COO)Cleo STRINGER (THE DESIGN MUSEUM, Senior Manager: Exhibitions & Touring)Nicholas T.KONPODRIAS (PANART CONNECTIONS)
Two special sessions dedicated to national and international touring exhibitions will bring to light the latest productions and creative innovation. Cultural institutions and specialists from France, Canada, England, Australia, Italy, Belgium, USA, Scotland and more will be presenting new art, science, design, history, natural history, cultures, technology and popular culture exhibitions and experiences. Speakers will share insights into innovative immersive, sensorial, interactive and sustainable developments in exhibitions created for museums and cultural institutions, heritage and leisure venues, tourism boards, parcs, outdoor and public spaces. Visitors will have the opportunity to meet the speakers following the presentations, on the Touring Exhibitions Pavilion. Both sessions will be hosted by Teo, the touring exhibitions resource.
Jan 16, 2024
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Tours @ Museum Connections

🇬🇧 TOUR: Immersion differently

Between digital and low tech, discover the diversity of technological and narrative formats at work in cultural, heritage and tourist places. Visit in English By registration only – 15 participants per session
Jan 16, 2024
3:20 PM - 4:30 PM
Inspiration Room

Young participants & museums: visions, expectations and feedback

Sophie BARRETT-POULEAU (TATE, Tate Collective Producer)Victor CARVALHO MOUTINHO (Centre Pompidou, Volontaire Art Session)Michael IRWIN (Tate, Curator, Young People's Programmes)Nelly ODIN (MUCEM, Chargée du public scolaire )Lucien PIN (MUCEM, Membre du collectif Ascagne)Florence SAYAG-MORAT (CENTRE POMPIDOU, Cheffe de projet Médiation culturelle)Annabelle TÜRKIS (CONFERENCE CURATOR MUSEUM CONNECTIONS, Consultante indépendante)
Since the 1990s, museums have been developing participatory programmes for teenagers and young adults as individuals, giving them a voice inside the institution and offering them a dedicated platform to interact with peers, artists and professionals. Studies have shown the impact of these programmes on young people and their significant contribution to the institution. Now we would like to hear from the young participants themselves. Alongside their institutional referees, we are inviting on stage young people to talk about their role and their experience within these programmes. We'll be inviting them to tell us about their perceptions and expectations, as well as their visions of the transitions that are currently taking place in the cultural world. This round table follows on the conference : YOUNG AUDIENCES & IMPACT: HOW TO PUT YOUNG PEOPLE "INTO ACTION" from the 2023 conference programme. Access the replay
Jan 16, 2024
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Innovation TV

Job & Recruitment : Recruiting interns

Chloé LIENARD (OMNIA CULTURE, Directrice associée)
Recruiting interns: Why are they no longer applying? how to attract, retain and train them?
Jan 17, 2024
9:40 AM - 10:00 AM
Innovation TV

Boost local tourism through an outdoor, nocturnal path illuminated by luminescent plants, while promoting energy sobriety

Nahémie DEFRAEYE (DESIGN AGLAE, Designer Scénographe)Teddy LAROYE (CHARTRES MÉTROPOLE, Chargé de mission innovation)Oriana MAZET (DESIGN AGLAE, Cheffe de projet)
SELECTION INNOVATION DUOS 2024 Chartres Métropole is the ideal playground for human-scale experimentation, both in the heart of the city and in rural areas, in line with its long-standing focus on energy efficiency and its identity around light, notably with Chartres en Lumières. Created in 2016, Aglaé is the pioneer of a unique concept. It consists of a revolutionary eco-responsible serum, without genetic modification, capable of making real plants luminous in the dark and under the effect of black light. This solution offers living, soft lighting for our everyday spaces. While its environmental impact is aimed at reducing light pollution in cities and improving their biodiversity, its social impact is aimed at reducing air pollution, making our spaces more pleasant to live in, and enhancing local tourism. The joint ambition of Chartres Métropole and Aglaé is to make Chartres Métropole a full-scale laboratory for experimenting with luminescent plants outdoors.
Jan 17, 2024
10:00 AM - 10:20 AM
Innovation TV

“THE LOST CASINO: AN IMMERSIVE EPIC” Bringing a lost heritage back to life, with augmented reality

Adèle FAUSTINIEN (VILLE DE NICE, Chargée de développement culturel )Boris GAMBET (HOLOFORGE INTERACTIVE, Head of Department)
SELECTION INNOVATION DUOS 2024 Immerse yourself in the vanished history of the Casino de la Jetée-Promenade in Nice, thanks to the Musée Masséna's innovative project. This augmented reality experience revolutionizes the visit by using a reduced-scale wooden model of the casino, transformed by captivating holograms and an immersive voiceover. Visitors are transported into the past as they explore the casino of yesteryear, every detail coming to life under the magic of augmented reality. Holograms evoke the lively atmosphere of the era, while the voiceover expertly guides, sharing fascinating anecdotes. This fusion of old and new offers a unique experience, where contemporary technology reveals the splendor of the past. Discover an unforgettable journey through time, thanks to augmented reality and captivating narration!
Jan 17, 2024
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Inspiration Room

Immersive technologies and environmental responsibility: new update

Landia EGAL (CEPIR, Fondatrice)Julia LUCZAK-ROUGEAUX (TOM.TRAVEL, Rédactrice en chef)
While we are aware that XR cultural experiences have a negative impact on the planet, solutions for reducing it are still at a very early stage. That's why we offer a new update on the subject, taking a look at the CEPIR research project, which benefited from the France 2030 scheme ""Supporting green alternatives in the cultural sector"". The aim of the CEPIR project is to produce data and tools to assess the environmental impact of the French XR sector and to make recommendations to policy-makers and professionals to ensure that it is compatible with an ambitious trajectory for 2030.The CEPIR research project (Cas d'Étude pour un Immersif Responsable) is led by the Tiny Planets - Novelab - Coopérative carbone consortium and their partners. This round table follows on from the one proposed in 2023 ICI LIEN" This round table follows on the conference : IMMERSIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSABILITY from the 2023 conference programme. Access the replay
Jan 17, 2024
10:20 AM - 10:40 AM
Innovation TV

"THE ADVENTURE OF HANGAR Y" Uniting past and present through a mixed reality experience

Martin BOURGUIGNAT (HANGAR Y, Directeur des Publics)Nino SAPINA (REALCAST, CEO)
SELECTION INNOVATION DUOS 2024 Hangar Y and Realcast unite past and present in a captivating mixed-reality project. The Hangar Y, a historic landmark, comes to life through an immersion experience that begins with an exploration of its 19th-century origins. This iconic building, a witness to time, is revealed in a new technological light. The experience then extends to the beginnings of French aerostatic flight, highlighting the innovative processes that propelled the first airship. Mixed reality provides an unprecedented insight into these advances, offering a deep understanding of the challenges faced by the pioneers of aeronautics. The synergy between Hangar Y's heritage and technological advances offers an exceptional immersive experience. Visitors are invited to step back in time, taking part in the evolution of Hangar Y and the technical prowess of the era. This unique project underlines the importance of preserving and celebrating our heritage through modern innovations, to create a memorable experience that transcends the boundaries of time.
Jan 17, 2024
10:40 AM - 11:00 AM
Innovation TV

Solution of cultural metaverse, multi-user virtual reality and traveling exhibition welcoming up to 2,500 visitors/day

Frédéric SANZ (UNIVR.SE, COO)Jordi SELLAS (LAYERS OF REALITY, Co fondateur et managing director)
SELECTION INNOVATION DUOS 2024 Layers of reality, with its venues in Barcelona (Ideal) and Madrid (Mad), is Southern Europe's leading player in the production and exhibition of digital and immersive art. Thanks to its partnership with Univrse and the multi-user Virtual Reality technology it has developed, Layers of Reality has been able to create a new cultural product aimed at a wider audience: Metavers. These experiences, involving dozens of simultaneous participants and accommodating up to 2,500 people per day, represent a paradigm shift in the use of Virtual Reality in the cultural sector. With new immersive narratives, more impactful content, quality IPs (Dalí, Tutankhamun, Pompeii) and easier set-up and day-to-day management, Layers of Reality has succeeded in attracting hundreds of thousands of spectators to its theaters in Spain, as well as distributing its content internationally: London, Tel Aviv, Copenhagen, Berlin, Stuttgart... At a time when many museums and cultural spaces are languishing, Layers of Reality, with its cutting-edge technology and Univrse expertise, has sold out.
Jan 17, 2024
11:00 AM - 11:20 AM
Innovation TV

Dynamic Pricing: AI for pricing strategies and visitor experience

Sophie LEMONDE (FLYVIEW PARIS, Directrice Commerciale et Marketing)
SELECTION INNOVATION DUOS 2024 FlyView Paris reinvents the tourist experience by adopting dynamic pricing with Convious. This ground-breaking project enables pricing flexibility adapted to demand and conditions in real time, offering visitors an innovative approach to discovering the City of Light. With Convious, FlyView Paris can adjust fares according to various factors such as attendance, seasons and special events. This ensures optimum accessibility for visitors while maximizing operational efficiency. This dynamic approach offers a more personalized experience, allowing visitors to choose time slots and rates tailored to their needs. FlyView Paris is committed to delivering a seamless, modern and personalized tourism experience through dynamic pricing with Convious!
Jan 17, 2024
11:00 AM - 11:50 AM
Inspiration Room

Sustainable cultural communication: roles, skills and resources

Laurence BERLAMONT-EQUEY (MEG - MUSÉE D'ÉTHNOGRAPHIE DE GENÈVE, Responsable de la communication et des relations presse)Hélène HUBERT (LES RAISONNÉES, Co-fondatrice et directrice de création)Lilian MADELON (OPÉRA DE RENNES, Responsable communication & mécénat)Frauke STENGEL (ZEPPELIN MUSEUM, Marketing & Sustainability)
Faced with the transformations of the cultural world in the context of the ecological crisis, sustainable communication is taking root in institutions, in external and/or internal communication. Communication professionals now need to master new skills: - highlighting their organisation's commitments and initiatives, avoiding greenwashing - mastering the terminology and channels of sustainable communication - promoting the new narratives conveyed by their institution's cultural and scientific project - eco-design a printed or digital medium and take the relevant decisions, etc. - mobilise employees. We will be looking at strategies, obstacles, as well as resources available to carry out these missions.
Jan 17, 2024
11:20 AM - 11:40 AM
Innovation TV

"BLINKBOOK" Animated cartoon notebook: a paper and digital visit souvenir, to read, color and transform into an animated cartoon

Claire FAY (EDITIONS ANIMÉES, Artiste et fondatrice)Mathilde LE GAL (MUSÉE DU QUAI BRANLY - JACQUES CHIRAC, Chargée de médiation)
SELECTION INNOVATION DUOS 2024 Explore the treasures of the Musée du Quai Branly in an innovative way with the Animated Collections notebooks, available in paper and digital formats thanks to BlinkBook technology. These notebooks transcend traditional pages to offer a unique immersive experience. In its paper version, each notebook becomes a captivating visual journey, allowing you to learn while coloring, transforming discovery into a sensory experience. Thanks to BlinkBook's digital support, the pages come to life with content enriched by photos, videos and recordings, offering an interactive dive into the museum's collections. BlinkBook technology opens up new horizons, enabling culture lovers to immerse themselves in art history in a whole new way. Whether on paper or in digital format, the Animated Collections notebooks reinvent the way we interact with the Musée du Quai Branly, offering a fun and educational experience!
Jan 17, 2024
11:40 AM - 12:00 PM
Innovation TV

Breakthrough technology: 37,000 visitors in 2 months for €25k budget, 3 weeks of preparation, 10 headsets, 2 hostesses

SELECTION INNOVATION DUOS 2024 3dverse is revolutionizing the landscape of immersive museum experiences by introducing an avant-garde solution that transcends traditional boundaries. This innovative company stands out for its ability to significantly reduce production times and operating costs associated with immersive museum experiences. By democratizing access to high-quality real-time 3D, 3dverse opens up new perspectives for cultural institutions. The key to this breakthrough lies in the judicious use of Cloud technologies, enabling fluid, realistic rendering accessible to all. The 3dverse platform embodies a truly disruptive technology, offering museums a complete, scalable solution. By simplifying the process, it frees creators from technical constraints, fostering artistic and narrative innovation. 3dverse offers a solution that catalyzes the evolution towards a more dynamic museum future.
Jan 17, 2024
12:00 PM - 12:45 PM
Inspiration Room

Museums in China: current situation and perspectives for international cooperation

Wenchu LI (Luoyang Museum, 馆长)Gang LI (Emperor Qinshihuang's Mausoleum Site Museum, Curator)Xiaolin MA (Henan Museum, Director)Zhiqiang WANG (Palace Museum of the Manchurian Regime, Curator)Jing ZHENG (China Grand Canal Museum, Curator)
Centre Pompidou and British Museum in Shanghai, Rencontres d'Arles in Xiamen, Musée Rodin in Shenzhen... in recent years we have witnessed a wave of long-term or more ephemeral projects by major Western cultural brands to establish themselves in China. At a time when China has seen a sustained increase in the number of museums on its territory, where do we stand today and what are the opportunities in terms of engineering and cultural cooperation? What expectations do Chinese professionals have of Western museum and heritage professionals today? How are cultural practices evolving and what are the expectations of Chinese audiences? More generally, what are the major issues shaking up the Chinese cultural world today: between ecological transition, economic development, digital innovation? 5 examples : 1. MA Xiaolin, Director of Henan Museum: Chinese practice in the new definition of the museum. 2. LI Gang, Director of Emperor Qinshihuang's Mausoleum Site Museum: Panorama of the development of archaeological site museums and the latest research results on the protection of cultural relics. 3. WANG Zhiqiang, Director of Palace Museum of the Manchurian Regime: Inter-applications of technology and innovation in Chinese museums. 4. ZHENG Jing, Director of China Grand Canal Museum: Overview of social education in Chinese museums. 5. LI Wenchu, Director of Luoyang Museum: Technological application achievements in Chinese museums.
Jan 17, 2024
12:00 PM - 12:20 PM
Innovation TV

Print-on-demand service allowing visitors to purchase reproductions of artworks in the format of their choice

Hervé GUYARDEAU (GRAND PALAIS RMN, Directeur Adjoint Commercial et Marketing, en charge du Marketing)Benoit HERRERIA (MUSEOTECA, Business Development Manager)
SELECTION INNOVATION DUOS 2024 Discover the MUSEOTECA print-on-demand service, available in RMN GP boutiques. A service that transforms your artistic experience: immerse yourself in a world where art comes to life through reproductions of exceptional works, meticulously selected from the treasures of the RMN GP collections. MUSEOTECA offers you the unique opportunity to choose from a variety of iconic works, ranging from classic masterpieces to contemporary creations. Browse the virtual galleries in the stores and create your own collection of prints! The quality of our prints reflects the reputation and ambition of the Réunion des musées nationaux-Grand Palais. Printed on top-of-the-range materials, each reproduction captures the richness of detail, color and essence of the original work. Express your artistic passion by making each print a unique item, to be framed or given as a gift.
Jan 17, 2024
12:20 PM - 12:40 PM
Innovation TV

“OFFICE METHODS” Participatory system, physical and digital, designed to experiment rather than consume

Flavie BERTHELOT (LA MAISON DES MÉTALLOS, Chargée des publics individuels)Kévin ECHRAGHI (Hérétique, Président d'hérétique)
SELECTION INNOVATION DUOS 2024 Plunge into the heart of emerging creativity with the inspiring union between Maison des métallos and digital creation studio hérétique, together giving birth to the Office Methods project. This innovative collaboration promises a renewed experience, fusing the cultural heritage of the Maison des métallos with the infinite possibilities of digital creation. The Office Methods, the fruit of this association, becomes a space of exploration where history and technology converge. hérétique brings its digital expertise to rethink the way we interact with culture. It is a device conceived as an alternative to the passive, unbridled consumption of entertainment content driven by social networks and streaming platforms. The aim is to move away from a logic of cultural consumption and replace it with one of cultural experimentation. Immersive installations, dynamic projections and unprecedented digital experiences are at the heart of this transformation, offering visitors a unique experience.
Jan 17, 2024
12:40 PM - 1:00 PM
Innovation TV

“GRAND LARGE” Mixed reality show immersing the viewer in the natural history of the oceans

Christine CAUSSE (NAUSICAA, Océanographe)Florent GILARD (SAOLA STUDIO, Directeur Général)
SELECTION INNOVATION DUOS 2024 SAOLA Studio has teamed up with the National Sea Center Nausicaá to create an immersive show, transporting visitors to the oceans in the company of rarely-seen marine species. A unique experience designed with the invaluable assistance of Nausicaá's scientific experts for Europe's largest aquarium. The challenge of this approach to augmented reality is to immerse viewers in the natural history of the oceans, while making them forget about the technology assisting them. This innovative, immersive experience aims to enrich and complement the living elements of the aquarium, to create a new reality in which the virtual and the natural evolve in harmony within a unique ecosystem. The challenge on site is to take advantage of the amphitheatre's terraces facing the Grande Baie of the Centre de la Mer to offer spectators the unique ballet of animals of the open sea, which can only be observed in the traditional conditions of an aquarium visit thanks to the use of augmented reality. Each encounter with a whale, a white shark or a school of fish also highlights the impact of human activities on biodiversity.
Jan 17, 2024
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Inspiration Room

AI & museums: what revolution(s)?

While the use of AI in the museum sector is not new, the release of ChatGPT for widespread use has had the effect of a bombshell, potentially impacting all the functions of a cultural venue and its stakeholders. But what revolution(s) behind the hype? To understand the issues involved and grasp the risks and opportunities, we will first look at the origins and nature of AI before outlining its possible uses in the field of museums, whether in terms of research, conservation, visitor experience or visitor insights, deliberately leaving aside the topic of art created with AI, which is widely covered by the media. More broadly, we will address the central question of truth and verisimilitude, and see how AI establishes a new relationship between audiences and contents.
Jan 17, 2024
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Innovation TV

Touring Exhibitions : latest trends and new experiences (session 2)

Myriam ACHARD (PHI, Chief New Media Partnerships and PR)Andreas AHRENS (DISGUSTING FOOD MUSEUM, CEO and founder)Raphaël BONETTO (CITÉCO - CITÉ DE L'ÉCONOMIE, Business control & Exhibition project management)Corrado CANONICI (WORLD TOURING EXHIBITIONS BV, Director)Manon DELAURY (TEO - TOURING EXHIBITIONS ORGANISATION, CEO and Founder)Vicente FUSCO (LIGHTHOUSE IMMERSIVE, Associate Producer)Nathalie GRENET (SPL LASCAUX EXPOSITION INTERNATIONALE, Project Manager)Chris HARRIS (ACMI - The Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Director of Exhibitions and Touring )Grégoire MONNIER (CULTURESPACES DIGITAL, Directeur Culturespaces Digital)Claire PIPITONE-COURIOL (GL EVENTS VENUES, responsable des projets culturels)Flora PLOQUIN (Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, Chargée de projets expositions itinérantes)Carrie REID (DALA PROJECTS, Owner)Charles SADOUL (ICEBREAKER-STUDIOS, creative director)Felicity SYLVESTER (NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM, LONDON, Exhibition Partnerships Manager)Fanny VAUCONSANT-MASSICOTTE (MYSMARTJOURNEY, Project Manager)Hélène WANG (UNIVERSCIENCE - Cité des sciences et de l'industrie / Palais de la découverte, Responsable marketing export)
Two special sessions dedicated to national and international touring exhibitions will bring to light the latest productions and creative innovation,. Cultural institutions and specialists from France, Canada, England, Australia, Italy, Belgium, USA, Scotland and more will be presenting new art, science, design, history, natural history, cultures, technology and popular culture exhibitions and experiences. Speakers will share insights into innovative immersive, sensorial, interactive and sustainable developments in exhibitions created for museums and cultural institutions, heritage and leisure venues, tourism boards, parcs, outdoor and public spaces. Visitors will have the opportunity to meet the speakers following the presentations, on the Touring Exhibitions Pavilion. Both sessions will be hosted by Teo, the touring exhibitions resource.
Jan 17, 2024
3:15 PM - 4:00 PM
Inspiration Room

Overtourism : the Italian strategy for museums

Andrea BILLI (RO.ME MUSEUM EXHIBITION, Scientific Coordinator)Tiziana D'ANGELO (MINISTERO DELLA CULTURA - ITALY, Director of the Archaeological Park of Paestum and Velia)Valeria DI PAOLO (MINISTERO DELLA CULTURA - ITALY, General Directorate of Museums)
The National Museum System is the project coordinated by the Directorate General for Museums that aims to build a network of Italian museums and cultural venues to improve fruition, accessibility, and management through the establishment of territorial networks, the activation of integrated enhancement processes, and the use of digital tools, such as the 'Museitaliani' App. The latter offers various services to visitors and makes it possible to enhance even the least 'attractive' sites in a logic of delocalisation of tourist flows. The case of the Velia and Paestum Archaeological Park and the strategies adopted to be more 'competitive' in a challenging context, from the best-known archaeological sites to the most attractive proximity tourist destinations, through the construction of a specific or diversified cultural offer and innovative projects, in particular thanks to digital opportunities, will be presented.
Jan 17, 2024
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Innovation TV

Job & Recruitment : Hire sales profiles

Alix MARTET (OMNIA CULTURE, Directrice générale)
How to attract and recruit sales profiles needed for the development of its own resources (sponsorship, privatizations, events, etc.) and how to use Linkedin as an economic development tool.
Jan 17, 2024
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Innovation TV

Digital and immersive heritage experiences: what types of business models?

Fatih OLCAY (ATOUT FRANCE, Chargé de mission Innovation)François ROIRAND (MAZEDIA)Antoine ROLAND ({CORRESPONDANCES DIGITALES], Fondateur - Conseil et événementiel en innovation)Audrey TENAILLON (sarl masKarade, scénographe)
In recent years, digital and immersive projects have experienced real growth in the heritage sector. Faced with the diversity of these projects, the Reinventing Heritage Program wishes to offer a state of the art of these transformations and dynamics currently at work in the heritage sector. In this perspective, this study entitled “Digital and immersive experiences in heritage” was commissioned by {CORRESPONDANCES DIGITALES], supported by a committee of experts to: • present the range of options available to heritage sites to define a relevant digital experience project; • offer an analysis of a diversity of inspiring digital and heritage projects; • provide stakeholders in the heritage sector with tools and methods to put their projects into practice.
Jan 17, 2024
4:15 PM - 5:15 PM
Inspiration Room

Heritage sites: diversifying their use and finding new purposes

Josy CARREL TORLET (CMN - CENTRE DES MONUMENTS NATIONAUX, Directrice, Direction du développement économique)Olivier DE LORGERIL (LA DEMEURE HISTORIQUE, Président)Cécilie DE SAINT VENANT (DOMAINE NATIONAL DE CHAMBORD, Directrice de la communication, de la marque et du mécénat)Sarah HUGOUNENQ (INDÉPENDANTE, Journaliste, chercheuse)
In order to generate new revenue streams and strengthen their local roots, heritage sites that are classified as “monuments historiques” in rural areas are seeing their uses diversify away from traditional practices for welcoming international tourists. In the context of regional transition in France, the offer and the uses are increasingly based on the needs of local residents within a specific ecosystem. Some venues are taking their inspiration from “third places” to offer activities such as co-working, training, climate workshops, or craftsmanship linked to regional know-how, creating a virtuous circle that supports regional dynamics and cohesion. Alongside the new strategy of the Centre des Monuments Nationaux, we will be exploring the experiments carried out by the Demeure Historique and the Domaine national de Chambord.